Products: Child Passenger Safety, Bilingual
Results 1 - 10 of 20
$2.95Perfect for your next check-up event, I'm Safe! in the Car Custom Goodie Bags engage children in car seat safety while you teach the parents. Plus, each bag includes a Parent Tip Card to serve as a reminder when they arrive home....Sku: 2-3621
$299.00*Updated in accordance with AAP and NHTSA guidelines "When can my child ride on the vehicle seat?" Seat belts do not usually fit until kids are 4'9" tall, weigh about 80 pounds and are 8-12 years old. Stand-up Kai is a bilingual...Sku: 2-3897
$299.00*Updated in accordance with AAP and NHTSA guidelines "When can my child ride on the vehicle seat?" Seat belts do not usually fit until kids are 4'9" tall, weigh about 80 pounds and are between 8-12 years old. Stand-up Luca is a...Sku: 2-3899
$2.80Visual Car Seat Guide for Parents “Keeping Children Safer on [Your State’s] Roads” is a thoroughly illustrated, bilingual guide that supports correct car seat use and installation. Providing English/Spanish side-by-side,...Sku: 2-6000
$2.80Reach parents in their own language! Russian/English Visual Car Seat Guide for Parents “Keeping Children Safer on [Your State’s] Roads” is a thoroughly illustrated guide that is now available as a bilingual edition...Sku: 2-6022
$0.35Children can take car safety home with these custom bilingual stickers that combine recognition for your organization with critical safety messages. Each custom Booster Seat Safety sticker is printed on a 3" x 3" square and individually cut and trimmed...Sku: 2-1098
$14.95The bilingual High Back Booster version of the Be Safe Buckle Up sticker is a great way to remind kids and parents about how important it is use booster seats once a child out grows a forward facing car seat. Details: 2.5” round, 250 stickers/roll....Sku: 2-1102
$1.50Help parents, help their kids understand what it takes to be a safe passenger. The self-cover, Bilingual Edition of the Car Safety Activity Book is a cost effective way to reinforce car safety messages. The activity book is packed...Sku: 2-2620SC
$4.25One of the questions that we often hear at car seat check up events is "When can my child ride on the seat?" To answer that question you can now provide parents with a memorable, visual reminder--the new I'm Safe! Booster Seat Growth Chart....Sku: 2-2790
$4.25One of the questions we often hear at car seat check ups is "When can my child ride on the seat?" To answer that question you can now provide parents with a memorable, visual reminder--the I'm Safe! Booster Seat Growth Chart. Based on the CDC...Sku: 2-2793