2-4691 Sólo para los niños grandes (Just For Big Kids) Large Format Storybook - Spanish

*June Special . . . 1) 5% OFF orders of $250-$500; 2) 10% OFF orders of $501-$5000; 3) 15% OFF orders of $5,001 or more; Use code JUN24. Discount applied when we send you a quote. You can request one here.

2-4691 Sólo para los niños grandes - Large Format Storybook
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SKU: 2-4691
Product Origin: Made in USA

Sólo para los niños grandes: take a look inside
Now in Spanish, the Just for Big Kids rhyming storybook inspires kids and parents to ride safely. The story explains:

  • Why it is so important to ride in the back seat.
  • How a booster seat keep you safe.
  • What it takes to be a good passenger.

The Just for Big Kids Large Format Storybook (English edition) is also available as part of our Head Start Car Safety Education Kit or the Early Childhood Edition of the Kit. 

Details: 11" x 14", spiral bound, full color, UV coated pages. Also available in English.

A minimum order of 5 is required.