Drowning Prevention Day

We recognize that World Drowning Prevention Day is held annually on the 25th of July. This event serves as an opportunity to highlight the tragic and profound impact of drowning on families and communities – while also offering life-saving solutions to prevent it. How can we support your efforts this summer?

First off, here are 3 recent global drowning prevention facts from the World Health Organization:

  • Over 50% of all drowning deaths are among those aged under 30 years.
  • Young children are more at risk, with the highest drowning rates among children aged 1-4 years.
  • Males are twice as likely to drown as females.

On top of that, an estimated 236,000 people drown every year and drowning is among the 10 leading causes of death for children aged 5-14 years. We understand drowning is fast and silent. It can happen in as little as 20-60 seconds – and drowning doesn’t always look like we would expect.

This year’s theme for World Drowning Prevention Day is, “Do one thing – to prevent drowning.” The call to do one thing encourages and challenges us to consider what we can do, either as an individual, a group, or as a community, to address the very real threat of drowning within our communities.

At I’m Safe!, our focus on this World Drowning Prevention Day is on active supervision! As the youngest of our youth are the most at risk in our communities, it is essential that any time they are near water, an adult is watching them and is within arm’s reach. Whether you promote or teach water safety, swimming lessons, rescue skills,  or boating safety; or install a self-closing and self-latching pool gate, create barriers to the water, or raise awareness through social media, you can be an active participant in making a difference. We’re here to help support through affordable child safety resources.

We provide numerous customizable water safety products; from an I’m Safe! in the Water Mini Activity Book to the Water Wise Bingo Game to Water Watcher Tags with Breakaway Lanyards.

By bringing together the creative energy and successes of parents, child safety experts, community health educators, law enforcement, firefighters/EMS, teachers, nurses, and pediatricians, we’re able to provide solutions that lead to awareness and responsible action in your communities. Together this month and beyond, let’s be sure to “do your one thing” for Drowning Prevention. We hope you’re having a warm, fun, and safe summer season!