National Passenger Safety Week

The National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) has added a new campaign to their 2023 Highway Traffic Safety Events Calendar – National Passenger Safety Week. During January 22 – 28, 2023, this event calls for passengers to play a more active role in their own safety and that of others.

Let’s take a deeper dive at the following statistics from 2020:

  • 16% of all traffic fatalities were passengers in vehicles.
  • 56% of teenage passenger deaths occurred in vehicles driven by another teenager.
  • 24% of deaths in passenger vehicles were passengers.
  • 6,275 vehicle passengers were killed in crashes.

We Save Lives goes on to share that passengers need to be empowered to speak up and have the Courage to Intervene when their lives are threatened by an unsafe driver. As United States roadway deaths continue to rise at an alarming rate, it’s more important now than ever before to take an active stance against drunk, drugged, and distracted driving.

National Passenger Safety Week aims to promote safe driving practices and prevent unsafe ones by empowering passengers to “SPEAK UP” when their lives are in danger due to a reckless driver. This campaign notes that, “One courageous voice can change one deadly choice.” It’s also timely as we approach the Super Bowl, where it’s important to remember, “Fans don’t let fans drive drunk!” You can view NHTSA’s Communications and Events Calendars and prepare for all of the upcoming NHTSA 2023 Campaigns.

At I’m Safe!, we know that passengers come in all shapes and sizes – and all ages! This week presents an opportunity for organizations to highlight important safety measures that can be taken for both passengers who can speak for themselves and children who cannot. As you consider resources to continue to raise awareness for Passenger Safety, consider the different audiences you can reach! We have products centered around Car Seat Guides for Parents, Child Passenger Safety, Distracted Driving Awareness, and more! Contact us with any questions – and have a great Passenger Safety Week!