September: National Preparedness Month

Every September, National Preparedness Month serves as a reminder for us to prepare for the unexpected. It's a time to ensure we have the necessary plans and supplies to handle emergencies, whether they be natural disasters, accidents, or other unforeseen events.

This month was established to encourage individuals, families, and communities to take proactive steps in preparing for emergencies. Its overarching goal is to promote resilience and reduce the impact of disasters on people's lives. The four main themes for this month are:

  • Week 1: Make a Plan
  • Week 2: Build a Kit
  • Week 3: Prepare for Disasters
  • Week 4: Teach Youth About Preparedness

The focus on teaching youth about preparedness is where child safety takes center stage. Here are some practical steps and resources to help encourage child safety:

  • Create a Family Emergency Plan: Sit down with your children and develop an emergency plan. Discuss where to go, who to contact, and what to do in various scenarios. The I’m Safe! At Home 9-1-1 Paint Sheet helps teach how and when to dial for an emergency.
  • Build an Emergency Kit Together: Involve your children in assembling an emergency kit. Explain why each item is essential, and ensure they know where it's stored.
  • Practice Drills: Regularly conduct emergency drills, such as fire drills or tornado drills. Make these exercises a family event, so children become familiar with the process.
  • Teach Basic Skills: Depending on their age and maturity, teach children basic safety skills like how to use a fire extinguisher, administer basic first aid, or navigate a map. The Are You Safe At Home? Poster is a colorful way to show both a safe and unsafe house.
  • Stay Informed: Keep your children informed about the types of emergencies that could occur in your area, whether it's hurricanes, earthquakes, or severe storms. Consider this I’m Safe! From Fire & Burns Activity Book or Multi-Topic Health & Safety Activity Book.

National Preparedness Month serves as a reminder that preparedness is not just for adults; it's for the entire family, including our children. Ensuring child safety during emergencies is not only a parental responsibility but a collective one. By taking the time to educate and prepare our children, we empower them to become more resilient and confident in the face of adversity. As we observe National Preparedness Month, let's remember that safeguarding our children's well-being is a crucial aspect of being truly prepared for whatever challenges may come our way.