St. Patrick's Day Is Almost Here!

St. Patrick’s Day is the perfect opportunity to remind parents and caregivers to get their children’s car seats checked. To make this easier, you are welcome to download this complimentary meme.

Recent data also shows that fatalities have increased even though fewer miles are being driven during the pandemic. This complimentary meme can promote driver safety around the holiday!

I’m Safe! is proud to provide resources that you can customize to help raise awareness and expand the reach of your current campaigns and events, which takes us to another focus in our world right now – and that’s Brain Injury Awareness Month!

Each year, traumatic brain injuries contribute to a substantial number of deaths and permanent disability. The most common causes of traumatic brain injuries are vehicle crashes, falls, sports injuries, and violence. According to the Brain Injury Association, approximately 1.7 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury annually.

Due to the fact 75% of all brain injuries resulting from a concussion, some of our most popular resources revolve around Concussion Prevention. We have comprehensive tabletop displays, posters, stickers, and more that visually demonstrate how concussions occur. We also offer monthly specials to help expand the reach of your campaigns. Current specials include:

Just use the promo code MAR22 at checkout. You can request a quote here.

Overall, the true extent of a brain injury is not conveyed by numbers. Lives, hopes, dreams, families, and friendships are often altered in the wake of a brain injury. Thank you for your support in raising awareness and for utilizing our affordable and multilingual materials to assist your efforts. We wish you a safe and fun St. Patrick’s Day!