Products: Parents, Made in USA
Results 1 - 10 of 207
$0.53Make it easier for parents to teach their children how to ride safety! "You Can Help Keep Children Safe on Bikes and Wheels" provides illustrated tips with a parent-child helmet safety activity on the reverse side. This...Sku: 1-0100
$0.53The English version of "How to Clean Your Child's Teeth" provides illustrated tips with a parent-child activity on the reverse side. This informative tip sheet offers practical steps parents can take to help children learn how to properly...Sku: 11-5052
$0.45Is your child in the right car seat? Based on NHTSA and AAP guidelines, and using NHTSA's images and theme, this bookmark makes the perfect take-home for Child Passenger Safety Week and Car Seat Checkup Saturday. The bookmark encourages...Sku: 2-3025
$299.00*Updated in accordance with AAP and NHTSA guidelines "When can my child ride on the vehicle seat?" Seat belts do not usually fit until kids are 4'9" tall, weigh about 80 pounds and are 8-12 years old. Stand-up Kai is a bilingual...Sku: 2-3897
$3.15Help parents get in the habit of always checking the back seat! This eye-catching window cling comes with a working thermometer that measures temperatures from 50 to 150 degrees. It carries the reminder to always look before you lock the car and can be positioned...Sku: 2-5125
$2.80Visual Car Seat Guide for Parents “Keeping Children Safer on [Your State’s] Roads” is a thoroughly illustrated, bilingual guide that supports correct car seat use and installation. Providing English/Spanish side-by-side,...Sku: 2-6000
$0.45Be a friend, not a distraction. Encourage friends to look out for each other and raise awareness of the life threatening risks of distracted driving. The "Friends Help Friends Focus on the Road" bookmark is a cost...Sku: 3-6028
$0.60Getting a Commitment to Change Research has shown that getting a commitment, including the signing of a pledge, increases the likelihood that people will give up an old behavior and adopt a new one. (Kotler & Lee, 2008). Custom Information Cards with...Sku: 3-8000
$0.60Getting a Commitment to Change Research has shown that getting a commitment, including the signing of a pledge, increases the likelihood that people will give up an old behavior and adopt a new one. (Kotler & Lee, 2008). Custom Information Cards with...Sku: 3-8015
$0.45Challenge motorcycle riders to take responsibility for their own safety with this informative bookmark. Not only does it carry the reminder to wear "All your gear; all the time," it also promotes: Helmet use. Avoidance of drinking and...Sku: 3-9001