Products: Impaired Driving
Results 61 - 64 of 64
$0.45Give your family the gift of being there this holiday season. Remind drivers about the importance of finding a safe and sober way home . . . so they can enjoy the holidays with their families. This memorable bookmark with NHTSA...Sku: 3-8004
$0.60Getting a Commitment to Change Research has shown that getting a commitment, including the signing of a pledge, increases the likelihood that people will give up an old behavior and adopt a new one. (Kotler & Lee, 2008). Custom Information Cards with...Sku: 3-8010
$0.45Using NHTSA messaging, this informative Palm Card promotes focus and safer driving. The Distracted Driving Prevention Palm Card is a cost effective way to communicate safer driving practices and your state's specific seat belt laws as it points to the severe...Sku: 3-8018
$2.10Let us help you design a cell phone bag to remind people to put their cell phone into the bag while driving. ***For a limited time, you can take any pledgecard or bookmark design and have it turned into your own cell phone bag design. People have...Sku: BAG05