Products: Bookmarks, Buzzed Driving, -guide
4 results
$0.45Are you a better driver when you're high? Marijuana impairs judgment, so users often feel they are better drivers when they are high, even though they are more dangerous. The bookmark, "Are you a better driver when you're high?"...Sku: 3-4205
$0.45Stoned? Stay home. The use of marijuana for medical or recreational purposes is becoming legal in more and more states. However, no one should drive when they are stoned or high. This bookmark warns, "Don't let your life go up in...Sku: 3-4225
$0.45Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving! Spread the word with this memorable bookmark that highlights the importance of selecting a sober way home - before taking that first sip of alcohol. This "Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving" ...Sku: 3-8002
$0.45Give your family the gift of being there this holiday season. Remind drivers about the importance of finding a safe and sober way home . . . so they can enjoy the holidays with their families. This memorable bookmark with NHTSA...Sku: 3-8004